It’s July…the heat is as endless as the days.
I’m out in the garden most days for just a short time in the morning. I like to have my coffee with the bees. It’s wildness this time of year. Over night plants rise up flopping all over each other…totally drunk on sunshine and raindrops. A messy kind of wonderful.
In the last year…
I’ve decided to shift my focus on gardening for pollinators as well as for the sheer beauty of the flowers.
I read Doug Tallamy’s Natures Best Hope and it totally inspired me. He has this wonderful idea called the Home Grown National Park It’s all about changing our culture to regenerate biodiversity by transforming our yards to embrace wildness.
It’s a huge learning process! I’m excited to broaden my perspective while trying not to become “native plant fundamentalist” but…I might just;)
Grab you own cuppa & enjoy a summer garden tour.
ps…Not all the photos are of native plant because…well everything I do is a work in progress! More to come in the future.
Bronze Fennel
Purple Cone Flower
Wild Bergamot
I think this might be an asian ladybug?
Mountian Mint
Purple Cone Flower
Red Bud
Wild Bergamot
Bleeding Hearts False Sun Flower
Blazing Star
“it is tempting to garden only for beauty, without regard to the many ecological roles our landscapes must perform. All too often, such narrow gardening goals result in a landscape so low in ecological function that it drains the vitality from the surrounding ecosystem.”
― Douglas W. Tallamy, Nature's Best Hope: A New Approach to Conservation that Starts in Your Yard
Wild Place
“It is a serious thing just to be alive on this fresh morning in this broken world.”
— Mary Oliver, Invitation