Siobhan Bedford Artist


Commission Reveal: Flourish

Siobhan BedfordComment

At the beginning of making a painting, the energy is emotional and effervescent.

It feels wild, not in the sense of being out of control but in the sense of being totally free. Because I paint intuitively I never know what is going to show up in the final piece. I love this connection to the unknown…It’s exciting to see what bubbles up out of the ether.

My process for making a commission is to make two pieces. It helps me keep the energy zingy…if you know what I mean!

Then I spend almost a year working on the pieces.

Dipping in and out of that mysterious sea of energy…that I only really know through art making.

When it’s almost finished I can feel the itch to come up with a good title.

Names are their own mystery. I like the name to have meaning but still be free for interpretation. Flourish is a beautiful word like that. It feels perfect for all the swirling details in this sapphire blue piece with an aura of cadmium at its edges.

When it comes time for the client to choose which piece speaks to them…

I can feel the energy start swirling again. I swear the colors start vibrating as the moment gets closer. It’s a wild mix of nerves, emotion, anticipation, and a sense of wonder.

I wonder what it’s like for them to see it for the first time…since that is something I’ll never know. I wonder which piece will go home with them.

I can’t help but wonder about the piece's deep future…destined to be a family heirloom or an eventual estate sale find?

That it starts in the unknown….

And ends in the unknown…makes so much sense to me….if I can say that about the mysterious;)

It’s a joy and an amazing experience to have people trust this mysterious process & support the art✨

All flourishing is mutual.
— Robin Wall Kimmerer
Art flourishes where there is a sense of adventure.
— Alfred North Whitehead