I’m flipping through my journal. The gold letters on its cover spell out “In the midst of our lives, we must find the magic that makes our souls soar.”
Inside it’s a real mess of a thing. A mix of notes, mind dumps, and recordings of random dreams. I come across an entry from early January. In it, I tell myself to just stop and look at the art.
“just stop…there is something beautiful passing through. I suppose it is trying to find that magical place of freshness and completeness - it reminds me of what love is…if it freezes or becomes static it ceases to be…things must shift, evolve, flow, change, transform to stay in tune, in sync with the laws, the ways, the mystery of the universe.”
Then I go on to babble about January being a “holding place, a backstage for whatever the new year will bring.” Now, sitting watching snow showers in the last few hours of January. I don’t actually remember which of the many work-in-progress pieces in my studio, I was writing about. I hope it was the painting in this post because it feels like it should be…and because I have so many wip snaps to share.
I’ve been working on it for well over a year. It’s kind of unusual because it wasn’t painted as part of a series. To me, it feels like a bridge piece between a few different groups of paintings from the last few years and new work that is simmering. Early on, I named it “moon lace” because of how it began with a white orb floating in layers of color. It’s full of light and movement. How protons & neutrons dance…if I could imagine that sort of dance.
“things must shift, evolve, flow, change, transform to stay in tune, in sync with the laws, the ways, the mystery of the universe.”
At the moment, it’s feeling very cosmic “big bang!” The energy of beginnings. To me, it feels like the perfect piece to share as we cross over winter’s midpoint. In my mind, this is the moment when the new year actually begins✨
“Beauty, which is what is meant by art, using the word in its widest sense, is, I contend, no mere accident to human life, which people can take or leave as they choose, but a positive necessity of life. ”
photo with journal credit: @kaileyedwardsphotography