New pin punch in the works…
This “Ideas of Eve” started as a poured watercolor and drawing. She has evolved into a complicated wild mind!
I’ve been experimenting with photographing her and making edits in lightroom.
I had light & dark gi·clée prints made of both the “Idea of Eve” and the Empress of Stars. And, I’m excited to be planning on incorporating the prints in encaustic collage. Just waiting on an art supply delivery;)
Lots & lots of possiblities, techniques and directions in this one! That seems so fitting for such a rich and complex myth!
I feel like she is from the same creation myth energy as the Eden Daughter’s, Shadow Blooms and Empress of Stars. I’m very intrigued by myths as poetic places of the mystery of the origins of life and its creative potential.
In my mind all creation myths are a way of connecting to the original spark.
I especially like the myth of Eve because she’s got a dark reputation. In my mind she is bold and thirsty for knowledge & change. She reminds me nothing grows or evolves without imperfections. Creative energy is messy, complicated and fascinating…I like to think of Eve as the mother of all that;)
In my imagination…I’d like to rewrite her role, make her into the original artist. She has the willingness to stir things up, break the rules, and come up with new ideas. Ultimately, finding the beauty that grows way out there on the edges…beyond perfection.
I hadn’t noticed while I was making her…but now looking at the snaps I took along the way, I realize she is gazing forward. Of course she is! Forward is the only way to create change!
“And now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good.”