Siobhan Bedford Artist


Blues: deep dive

Siobhan BedfordComment

Enjoy a virtual dive into the art of the Blues…

I collected these blue waterworld feeling paintings from work in already in private collections.

Blue has always felt like a lifting to sky. Up to the heavens. And…a dip into the deep unconscious waters where words have no meaning. Both being places where things just flow or fly free.

The blues also make me think of winter.

Especially deep winter…when the blues come calling and we all want to sink like anchors into sleepy dream filled naps.

and when the blue nights came down at last and the blue sunsets hovered over their beds their blue laughter could be heard as soft as silver bells
— Mary Mackey
The world is blue at its edges and in its depths. This blue is the light that got lost.
— Rebecca Solnit

We love to contemplate blue, not because it advances to us, but because it draws us after it.
— Goethe
Now comes the long blue cold
And what shall I say but that some
Bird in the tree of my heart
Is singing.

The same heart that only yesterday
Was a room shut tight, without dreams.

Isn’t it wonderful the cold wind and
Spring in the heart inexplicable.
Darling girl. Picklock..
— Mary Oliver

Actually…This last piece is really more about what comes after the blue season…“The Birth of Light”