Siobhan Bedford Artist


5 tips to make a home sanctuary

Siobhan BedfordComment

2022 is here and I’m in no mood for making resolutions.

Winter always seems to me like the absolute worst time to make changes. My physical and creative energy slows down…way down. To me it has become a time to wrap a wool blanket around my introvert self and just refill the well. It’s the time of year to make sanctuary.

Our house is a twin from 1928. It’s cute. It’s cozy. AKA it’s really small;)

It has lots of shallow closets and the hallway upstairs is usually overflowing with paintings. My studio is the “biggest” bedroom with the clear north light. No one eats at our dinning room table because it’s a computer office. I won’t mention the kitchen except to say I’m hoping the rest of the ceiling doesn’t fall down. Our bedroom is cozy and gets heavenly winter sun this time of year. I use the third bedroom to show art. Most of the time the floor is kept open to stretch out and on good days even meditate.

We don’t call our home a sanctuary because somehow that sounds too woo…but it is. Even in a small house we carve out our sacred space. With the cold weather and the pandemic raging on, I imagine we will all be spending more time inside again this winter.

Instead of making New Year’s resolutions…

let’s make home a sanctuary. I made a list of simple things to transform the moment and create a beautiful soul space.

May the only resolution be to relax & refill your soul.

Use a heavenly scent

Scent is a strong memory trigger both for the good and the ugly. Try something new that you don’t have any memory associated with. A fresh scent to encourage fresh ideas! I love to burn Palo Santo…it’s a resin wood from South America. It means “holy wood” and fills any space with the feeling of sanctuary

Listen to silence or not

Paying attention to everything from the news to social media makes my mind crazy crowded. I’ve got a deep craving for silence. It’s actually not that easy to find silence even in quiet moments. Sometimes it helps me to tune into Spotify’s endless playlists of “mindmusic.” Anything from theta waves to Sigur Rós soothes my thoughts into silence. Find whatever speaks to you and stop to just listen. Like you did as a teenager…hang out in your room listening to music dreaming of the future.

Have a touch of texture

I’ve always loved the feel of velvet. Crushed is my favorite because it’s fancy and cozy at the same time. Wool is wonderful too. Wrapping myself in my now pilly sweater I ordered from Ireland always leaves me feeling in touch with my ancestors. Having a blanket or pillow made of something that feels wonderful to you instantly make a space soothing. What do you love?

home is... sanctuary - shelter - haven - refuge - inner sanctum - retreat - chapel - preserve - asylum

Find your flavor

Every morning my love brings me coffee in bed. It started years ago when I was recovering from surgery and he never stopped. Yes, I’m spoiled and yes, he is sweet. In the warm weather I take my cup and head out to my backyard garden to start the day. In winter, I wake up to that first sip of black magic in my bedroom sanctuary. This room started as just a mattress on the floor and now is my cocoon. Bedrooms are the place that bookend our days. It should be a sacred space with a little elixir ritual. I begin the day in gratitude with caffeine as a perk. Maybe you start yours with fresh lemon water or end it with a nightcap. The point is to have a sense of taste is your home. See my little word play there…bla…what can i say words are fun;)

See something beautiful

Fill your space with art that speaks to your soul. I think art* is the most powerful way to transform a room into a soul space. Furniture and wall colors often change with trends. Home as sanctuary isn’t trendy it’s a gift to your mental health. A painting is like a window into another world. It won’t matter if the laundry, paperwork and kids toys are in piles all around you. You’ll have your art to gaze on and escape into. Like a retreat for your soul.

*Yes…this is shameless plug to become an art collector;)

Our homes are places for family and now often work. I think it’s time we thought them as sanctuaries. How would our lives change for the better if sanctuary was where we always come home too?

Looking forward to seeing you renewed & refreshed in the Spring of 2022.

Happy New Year!

“The romance of winter

is possible only when we have a warm, secure indoors to retreat to, and winter becomes a season to look at as much as one to live through.” -Adam Gopnik