Siobhan Bedford Artist


Under a Yellow Sky

Siobhan Bedford
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As I’ve been watching and waiting for this painting to dry. I thought a title would surface from that mysterious well of my unconscious. It took a long while. The unconscious is slow-moving. I sit wrapped in my wool sweater listening to the February wind spit rain from fog and fast-moving clouds. And, something bubbles up.

The words “under a yellow sky.”

I know I heard this line from somewhere…but where?

I’m thinking… a David Gray song. No that’s not it…Ah! Alexi Murdock pops into my mind! Since both are excellent singer-songwriters it doesn’t surprise me that I’ve mixed them up.

A little google search leads me to the song I’m thinking of. It turns out I actually have the line wrong. It’s “beneath an orange sky.” This is also no surprise to me. I’m notorious for “improvising” with lyrics because I obviously have a terrible memory. (I don’t let that stop me. I sing along anyway:)

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This painting is the last of the “Sea Change” series that I’ve been working on for over a year now. The yellow and details are both intense.

The series is inspired by the phrase “sea change.”

I’m intrigued by both the idea of the immense energy it would take to shift a sea and the play on words of “see-change.” I’m thinking more metaphor for emotional waves and connection to inner vision. That mysterious soul strength that carries us forward. 

This time of year when winter is half over but spring is still out of reach I feel a sense of waiting. A longing for that energy of “sea change" to lift me like a wave. Roll me under a yellow sky.

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Well I had a dream
I stood beneath an orange sky
Yes I had a dream
I stood beneath an orange sky
With my brother standing by
With my brother standing by
I said Brother, you know you know
It’s a long road we’ve been walking on
Brother you know it is you know it is
Such a long road we’ve been walking on
— Alexi Murdoch

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So hope for a great sea-change
on the far side of revenge.
Believe that  further shore
Is reachable from here.
Believe in Miracles and cures
and healing wells.
— Seamus Heaney

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The edge of spring is still a ways off but I’m keeping my eyes open for signs. In the meantime…loving the yellow throat of this giant white crocus from last year!

Till next time! Enjoy the weekend all you art lovers:)


This painting will be available for the Open Studio tour in May.

24” x 48”, oil on canvas

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