I often imagine my place in the world as an artist is not just about self-expression but what Victor Frankl called a “dedication to a cause greater than oneself.” For me that is striving to inspire and open a window to beauty.
Many times, I feel very pollyannish feeling this way. It seems naive and ridiculous. Especially in the face of the madness of 2020 that has surfaced in our country. It’s absolutely heart breaking, disappointing, aggravating, irresponsible, confusing, frustrating…I could go on and on but honestly I suspect like me you are all already exhausted.
There is nothing I can put into the words that you have not already read, felt or thought.
What I would like to share…and it maybe that I’m writing this as much for myself as to share with you.
I would like to say we must begin again. Cast aside any energy or anyone that nurtures hate and violence to feed the worst, lowest and ugliest side of our human selves. Focus and refocus again and again on what truly deserves our very precious energy. What we create matters.
Grab your tools. It’s a new year. Begin again.
Be Well.
“For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side-effect of one’s personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself.”