Siobhan Bedford Artist


Frequently Asked Questions

Please feel free to ask any questions or just send me your thoughts. I love hearing from art lovers.


How long does it take to make a painting?

Most of my work is made in a series. I start anywhere from 3 - 9 paintings at a time. It usually takes between 9 months to a year to finish a series. Sometimes more or less depending on the size and level of detail.

Where do you get your ideas?

I paint intuitivley following a sense of emotional energy. I think I’m always soaking up inspiration from the natural beauty of the world around me and then it flows out when I work. Still, art making is mysterious even to myself. I never know what a piece will be like till it is finished.

How long have you been painting?

I began to paint abstractly after a deep depression in my early twenties. I’ve been working now over 20 years.

Do you do commisions?

I’m interested in doing commision work that is based on a particular size and space. My process is so fluid and ever changing that the commisioner would have to be completely open to the unexpected. Fearless and serious inquires welcome.